Banning Childhood Gender Modification
When the incumbent was asked (at the Royse City Republicans 87th Legislature Review in November 2022) why the 87th Legislature failed to ban childhood gender modification, his answer was "is it even happening in Texas??". Shocking, to say the least! We know it is happening in Texas!
In 2020, the State Republican Primary ballot proposition stated "Texas should ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for transition purposes, given that Texas children as young as three (3) are being transitioned from their biological sex to the opposite sex". Republicans voted 94.57% in favor of this ban.
And yet- this issue, one of the top 8 legislative priorities as declared by the Republican Party of Texas, was allowed to falter in the last session. Read more details here. We need the 88th Session to put an end to this practice that harms our kids. Existing laws don't let kids get tattoos, vote, smoke cigarettes, or buy alcohol, because they lack the maturity to make adult decisions - these laws protect them from the consequences of those decisions. Allowing kids to permanently and irreversibly change their bodies, including even before puberty has a chance to kick in, is unconscionable and must be stopped. Children must be protected.
If elected to serve, enacting this ban that 94% of Texas Republicans supported, will have my support and advocacy!