Why run in January 2023 for the March 2024 Primary?
Simply put, our incumbent showed his indifference to the legislative priorities of the Republican Party of Texas, which were brought forth by the people at our precinct, county, and state conventions in 2022, in the first week of the session -right out of the gate in January 2023.
In that first week, one of our eight priorities died - Banning Democrat Committee Chairs. And of the remaining seven priorities, he authored only a SINGLE bill. The first bill he pre-filed in November of 2022 was related to real estate- his livelihood when he's not in Austin. His authored bills cater to his donors, not his constituents, or the priorities of the party who he's supposed to be representing.
He's campaigning as a Conservative Republican and yet, this session, he
- Voted for the Mileage Tax study (HB 3418)
- Voted to infringe on the Second Amendment by voting HB 2744 out of committee
- Voted to squash political speech with HB 1585
- Voted to impeach our Attorney General, who's leading the fight against Biden
- Authored the Accessory Dwelling Unit bill HB 2789 which could have ended single-family neighborhoods forever in Texas and taken away local control of housing density
- Authored a bill to make it nearly impossible for local citizens to fight zoning changes (HB 1514)
- Voted for 10 Billion in Corporate welfare for Hollywood and select industries - twice as much as he voted to allocate to secure the Texas Border (5 Billion)
- Voted for the LARGEST BUDGET INCREASE in Texas History (40% over 2021 levels!)
- Voted against School Choice, despite 84% of his Primary voters being FOR it
- Publicly disrespected the Republican Party of Texas, its executive committee, and his local party, calling them defunct, AWOL, and irrelevant
And he wants you to think he's Conservative?
When our Republican majority in Austin can't get our priorities passed, it's time to send in a NEW TEAM.
It's time for Rockwall and Collin County Republicans to have a representative who welcomes them and fights for the priorities of the party that elected them to the office.
My commitment to you
I'm an unapologetic American veteran who champions traditional Judeo-Christian values. These values obligate us to protect the most vulnerable, and fiercely guard any encroachment on the God-given and Constitutional liberties which allowed the creation of the most exceptional country on this planet. I stand for small government, strong families, secure borders, safe communities, and the sanctity of life.
In 1986, upon enlistment in the Marine Corps, I swore an oath. That oath never expired. In 2023, I am ready to serve Texas, to defend and preserve the freedoms that make America great, and actively promote the legislative priorities important to the residents of District 33.
Want to discuss the issues? If you elect me as your State Representative, you can expect a warm welcome, a listening ear, and a man who cares enough to understand what's important to you.
The Issues
Protect Our Elections
This is one of my top priorities. From the majority of my conversations within the District, it's also something everyone is concerned about. Because without Election Integrity, the American Revolution has been lost.
While the 88th session did restore felony penalties for those who would tamper with and in our elections. This issue will require eternal vigilance, because as one loophole is closed, another will be exploited.
Election integrity is not a "one and done" issue! I will continue to fight to ensure that all Texans can be confident in their elections, including support for full forensic audits of elections. There should be nothing to hide from the voters!
Defending Our Gun Rights
I am a proud supporter of our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I believe that every law-abiding citizen has the fundamental right to defend themselves, their family, and their property. This shall not be infringed!
Read MoreSecure Borders
Border security is essential to our national security, plain and simple. Texas has 1,250 miles of border with Mexico and the federal government is ignoring the invasion. It is past time for the Texas Legislature to utilize the full powers available to protect and defend Texans. Read More
Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids
We all have a responsibility to protect our children from harm. One form of harm that has been on the rise in recent years is the sexualization of our kids. The so-called "Obscenity Exemption" allows explicit materials in our schools, sexualizing our children. Read More
Ban Democrat Chairs
We elect Republicans into office because we want them to represent us. Why are we allowing them to appoint Democrats to committee chair seats?
If you had a football team, would you ask your opponent's defensive coordinator to run your offensive line? No! Because that is foolish. So why do we allow our legislators to give away the power that "We the people" elected them to hold on our behalf?
Any representative who supported the election of Dade Phelan as Speaker of the Texas House knowing he was going to give away our power to Democrats...needs to go.
Read MoreBanning Childhood Gender Modification
With a Republican House and Senate, why did this issue get zero traction in the 87th Legislature? Read More
Abolition of Abortion
The sanctity of life must be preserved from conception to natural death. Read More
Parental Rights and Educational Freedom
Parents can and should be the primary decision makers for their children in all matters. Read More